Dancing Ledge
Wed­ding Season
All Episodes On Dis­ney+ Day
Play Trailer

A major new series for Disney+ Star. The genre-busting Star Original for Disney+ is written by Oliver Lyttleton and Directed by George Kane.

The eight part romantic comedy action thriller Wedding Season has been greenlit as a Star Original for Disney+; a genre-busting escapist romance about two people who shouldn’t be together, but who can’t stay away from one another.

The series is produced by Dancing Ledge Productions with Chris Carey, Laurence Bowen and Toby Bruce serving as Executive Producers.

Wedding Season is produced in association with Jax Media with Lilly Burns, Brooke Posche and Tony Hernandez also taking Executive Producer responsibilities.

The series is penned by up-and-coming screenwriting talent Oliver Lyttelton also an executive producer and will be directed by George Kane.

Four Wed­dings and a Funer­al if Hugh Grant was want­ed for murder

Wed­ding Sea­son starts where most roman­tic come­dies end…the clichés end…It’s a genre-defy­ing show, part rom-com, part action thriller, part clack comedy…many shock­ing rev­e­la­tions and game-chang­ing twists…The half-hour episodes zip along with such speed and bom­bas­tic energy…Every time it feels as though the plot is about to jump the shark, Lyt­tle­ton pierces through the non­sense with a joke or a wry obser­va­tion, putting the char­ac­ter on the side of the view­er by show­ing that they recog­nise how ridicu­lous it all sounds. And it is ridicu­lous — but bril­liant­ly so. Wed­ding Sea­son is the most fun I’ve had watch­ing a mur­der mys­tery in a long time, rem­i­nis­cent of anoth­er Dis­ney+ hit, Only Mur­ders in the Build­ingwill be reward­ed with gasps, laugh­ter and, ulti­mate­ly, love.”

830 minutes
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