Dancing Ledge
The Sal­is­bury Poisonings
Play Trailer

The Salisbury Poisonings is a fact-based television drama, starring Anne-Marie Duff, Rafe Spall and Annabel Scholey which portrays the 2018 Novichok poisonings and decontamination crisis in Salisbury, England, and the subsequent Amesbury poisonings. The series was broadcast in three parts on BBC One in June 2020. It was created by Adam Patterson and Declan Lawn for Dancing Ledge Productions.

It was the highest rating new drama on British TV for five years, consolidating to an audience of over 12 million viewers and has been sold to over 130 territories. It won the 2021 Broadcast Awards for the International Programme Sales category.

The Sal­is­bury Poi­son­ings review – Novi­chok dra­ma with lessons for now

While it also focus­es on an unbe­liev­able, dead­ly emer­gency, this drama­ti­sa­tion of the poi­son­ing of the Skri­pal fam­i­ly is a far cry from the chaos of life dur­ing the Covid crisis…as well as ren­der­ing a true sto­ry, they were mak­ing an allegory…conjured some­thing we now know, absolute­ly, to be much clos­er to the truth. Instead of hys­te­ria and fran­tic Dra­ma-with-a-cap­i­tal‑D in the face of an unknown con­ta­gion, it shows the dis­be­lief giv­ing way to hard accep­tance, the sense of ordi­nary life sud­den­ly intrud­ed upon and a new nor­mal mandated…The oppres­sive scale, unwield­i­ness and essen­tial unknowa­bil­i­ty of the devel­op­ing prob­lem is – we can say now with unwant­ed cer­tain­ty – per­fect­ly evoked…”

The Sal­is­bury Poi­son­ings tells the untold sto­ries of the Novi­chok attack – and they are deeply affecting

…pro­duc­ers had decid­ed to side­step all of that and make a show about the civ­il ser­vants, the neigh­bours, the police offi­cers, and the nerve agen­t’s unin­tend­ed vic­tims. It sound­ed wor­thy – but would it actu­al­ly make for good dra­ma? The answer is: yes! The Sal­is­bury Poi­son­ings is a deeply affect­ing piece of tele­vi­sion – and as it turns out, the obvi­ous sto­ry was not the most inter­est­ing sto­ry after all…the biggest sto­ry of the Sal­is­bury nerve agent poi­son­ings was what the ordi­nary peo­ple” went through, after all.”

Extra­or­di­nary Real Life Novi­chok Drama

… the dra­ma is a trib­ute to the com­mu­ni­ty that found itself unex­pect­ed­ly at the cen­tre of this tragedy. It’s an acknowl­edge­ment of the keen instincts and robust work of Tra­cy Daszkiewicz and her teams, and a voice for the fam­i­lies of the attack’s unin­tend­ed vic­tims Nick Bai­ley and Dawn Sturgess… It’s also, inad­ver­tent­ly, an acute­ly rel­e­vant dis­til­la­tion of our present glob­al health cri­sis… This com­pas­sion­ate three-parter could dou­ble up as the first Coro­n­avirus dra­ma… This isn’t a work­place-only lan­yard dra­ma. Domes­tic scenes are used to mea­sure the emo­tion­al impact of what comes to pass… It’s not here to cash in on a sala­cious spy tale, but to remind us not to take our unseen pro­tec­tors for grant­ed, and in part, to reas­sure us that after cat­a­stro­phe, comes recovery.”

360min fac­tu­al dra­ma for BBC One
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