Dancing Ledge
The Respon­der
WIN­NER Best Actor Inter­na­tion­al Emmys — 6 BAF­TA Nom­i­na­tions — Avail­able on BBC iPlayer
Play Trailer

Penned by ex-police officer Tony Schumacher, this is his first original series for television and he’s on familiar ground as he focuses on the emotional extremes of life on the front line of British policing.

The Responder follows urgent response officer Chris on a series of night shifts on his beat in Liverpool.

But Chris has more than just the job to worry about as his personal life has been hit by crisis and he is morally compromised in his work.

He’s forced to take on rookie partner Rachel, but despite his reluctance they both soon realise that survival in the high-pressure world of night-time crime will hinge on whether they can support or destroy each other.

Commissioned for BBC One with support from Liverpool Film Fund.

Check out our latest 4 nominations in the RTS Northwest Awards, 2022.

Mar­tin Free­man is mag­nif­i­cent in tour de police force

…writ­ten by an ex-cop that’s as riv­et­ing as a thriller and as pro­found as a documentary.

…The script … is an astound­ing­ly tough, vig­or­ous, sinewy thing with­out a wast­ed word or moment…It is a mea­sure of the strength and beau­ty of the script and the per­for­mances that this isn’t a dra­mat­ic moment…phenomenal, as is the blis­ter­ing human­i­ty and des­per­a­tion of it all…The Respon­der is as fast and riv­et­ing as a thriller and as har­row­ing as a documentary…If you are look­ing for a state-of-the-nation piece, it is here.”

…Up there with Sher­lock and Far­go — that ric­o­chet between wit and grit..”

Mar­tin Freeman’s inspired cop dra­ma is a career highlight

…The Respon­der is far more than just any old police dra­ma… there’s more laughs in the first episode than plen­ty of come­dies would man­age… Intense, enig­mat­ic and deeply trag­ic, it’s remark­able… The char­ac­ters are vivid­ly drawn, and as Chris pin­balls between them all dur­ing a night of strange encoun­ters, every aspect of the dra­ma feels well observed and ful­ly realised…Safe to say, our first response is over­whelm­ing­ly pos­i­tive. In fact, if all cop dra­mas were this inspired we’d nev­er watch any­thing else”

Mar­tin Free­man’s police patrol is one long, bru­tal night of the soul

Far from your typ­i­cal police dra­ma, Tony Schu­macher’s grit­ty series is about a good man com­ing apart at the seams

…Free­man, though, absolute­ly boss­es this role. He is terrific…The Respon­der feels absolute­ly authen­tic, writ­ten as it is by Tony Schu­mach­er, a response offi­cer him­self until he had a break­down and quit the force…It’s an accom­plished script for a debut writer, with a plot that is nev­er predictable…Schumacher deserves cred­it for show­ing us a dif­fer­ent side of British policing.”

560min dra­ma for BBC One
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