Dancing Ledge
The New Pope
Play Trailer

We were thrilled to be asked by Wildside Productions in Italy to be the UK Executive Producer for The New Pope. The nine-episode original series from director Paolo Sorrentino is his second series set in the world of the modern papacy. The New Pope is written by Sorrentino with Umberto Contarello and Stefano Bises and stars Jude Law and John Malkovich.

Enter a seduc­tive­ly camp John Malkovich

Jude Law haunts Pao­lo Sorrentino’s glo­ri­ous fol­low-up to The Young Pope, but Malkovich’s purring pon­tiff-in-wait­ing is divine.

…rich and rav­ish­ing and glo­ri­ous­ly enig­mat­ic. It pro­vides anoth­er deep dive into the hid­den world of the Vat­i­can City, mar­vel­ling at its mys­tique with agnos­tic fer­vour… Sor­renti­no pos­sess­es style to burn and ele­gance to squan­der. The New Pope loops and darts from one gor­geous set piece to the next, whether it’s a reli­gious tableau set to haunt­ing dance music or a noc­tur­nal stroll through a win­try Venice. The whole thing is so immac­u­late that it risks hold­ing the view­er at arm’s length. But then the direc­tor will gen­tly lance us with a moment of emo­tion­al truth…”

Faith, Hope and Sponge Baths

In Pao­lo Sorrentino’s visu­al­ly arrest­ing, breezi­ly provoca­tive fol­low-up to The Young Pope”…

…Sor­renti­no wastes no time indulging his knack for soft-core irony deliv­ered in divert­ing visuals…glides along on a vel­vet raft of con­ver­sa­tion about mir­a­cles, the sacred and the pro­fane, the mys­ter­ies of faith, and the real-world issues that dog the church — pedophil­ia scan­dals, ret­ro­grade atti­tudes toward homo­sex­u­al­i­ty, lousy treat­ment of women…Sorrentino’s real inter­est, though, is always in chic, seduc­tive, mild­ly provoca­tive spectacle…it tracks the machi­na­tions of the small cir­cle of car­di­nals and laypeo­ple who oper­ate behind the papal skirts, is not phi­los­o­phy or God but the exer­cise of pow­er. It has strong ele­ments of work­place sit­com, but it even more close­ly resem­bles anoth­er ven­er­a­ble genre: the Mafia movie…”

960min dra­ma for Sky Atlantic
Produced Alongside
Wild­side for HBO and Sky Italia
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