Dancing Ledge
Plat­form 7
Play Trailer

The drama is a haunting thriller following central character Lisa who, after witnessing a cataclysmic event on platform seven of a railway station, finds her own fragmented memory jogged to reveal a connection between her own life and that of the event she has just witnessed. Supernatural elements combine with contemporary realism in this chilling drama.

Alight here for a spooky mod­ern mystery

Adapt­ed by vet­er­an screen­writer Paula Milne from Apple Tree Yard author Louise Doughty’s best­selling nov­el, Plat­form 7 is an intrigu­ing dra­ma with a great cast. 

…With a BAF­TA, Emmys and a stel­lar career span­ning five decades, both here and in Hol­ly­wood, Paula Milne has noth­ing to prove to any­one, least of all me. Nonethe­less, Plat­form 7’s screen­play is clear­ly the work of a writer of a cer­tain age…Platform 7 takes view­ers on an entire­ly unex­pect­ed – and unex­pect­ed­ly enter­tain­ing – jour­ney, dur­ing which (thanks to the fab­u­lous Ms Job­son) you won’t stop root­ing for Lisa’s uneasy soul to final­ly rest in peace.”

Fre­man­tle, ITVX’s Plat­form 7’ Intro­duces relat­able’ ghost, debuts first-Look Image: We want­ed to show the tri­umph of sur­vival’ (Exclu­sive)

…Accord­ing to Carey, Lisa’s trans­for­ma­tion allowed Job­son – BAF­TA-nom­i­nat­ed for Top Boy,” now in her first lead role – to show her range as an actor…Despite Lisa’s super­nat­ur­al sta­tus, Plat­form 7” takes on very earthy top­ics. Includ­ing abuse, sex­u­al trau­ma and domes­tic violence…”

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