Dancing Ledge
Domi­no Day
Play Trailer

Domino Day is a brand new series created and written by Lauren Sequeira (pictured) and set in Manchester.

The series will follow, Domino, a powerful young witch, who is haunted by her need to feed on the energy of others. A hunger that only grows, despite her attempt to start her life over in Manchester, where she is desperately seeking a community who can help her understand what is happening to her. But Domino doesn’t need to try so hard as a coven of witches are already tracking her every move, convinced they have to stop her before her powers destroy everyone and everything around her

Domi­no Day review – this fer­tile, fun witch dra­ma is Buffy for a new generation

…This styl­ish super­nat­ur­al show is a sign that women’s sto­ries are final­ly start­ing to be told…Fertile, fun and…grounded firm­ly in reality…There is an African trib­al aspect to Kat’s ances­tors and their out­lawed mag­ic, while the Elders appear to be a white, west­ern organ­i­sa­tion, which brings ideas about colo­nial­ism, racial oppres­sion and era­sure into play…It is incred­i­bly styl­ish with­out being self-con­scious and it has ener­gy to burn with­out becom­ing frenetic…treats male vio­lence as a back­ground hum that esca­lates, rather than a sud­den, inex­plic­a­ble erup­tion from nowhere.”

Domi­no Day, review: this sexy super­nat­ur­al dra­ma will soon have you under its spell

…Domi­no Day (BBC Three) is a deli­cious­ly dark dra­ma about 21st-cen­tu­ry witch­craft. Hub­ble, bub­ble, there’s plen­ty of toil and trou­ble. Not to men­tion a super­nat­ur­al amount of sex…Viewers are flung into a mag­i­cal realm of gri­moires and auras, of Lamia ver­sus Obeah witch­craft. Sus­pend dis­be­lief and it soon has you under its spell. Cre­ator Lau­ren Sequeira wrote Domi­no Day in response to a lack of British super­nat­ur­al shows… It’s a styl­ish­ly seduc­tive set­ting, all ware­house flats and neon-lit nightlife. There are no black cats, caul­drons or evil cackles…enjoyed as a fresh, fun take on hor­ror tropes.”

Brit Witch Fan­ta­sy is a Sexy, Grown-Up Charmed’

Domi­no Day…starts off as a Promis­ing Young Woman-style vic­ar­i­ous revenge fan­ta­sy about mod­ern dating…it morphs into a full-on super­nat­ur­al dra­ma com­plete with Elder coun­cils, mag­i­cal tal­is­mans, alter­na­tive dimen­sions, and covens chant­i­ng in uni­son around flick­er­ing can­dles and glow­ing orbs. Think sexy, grown-up Charmed…The show is using the super­nat­ur­al to wit­ti­ly describe the nat­ur­al: the humil­i­a­tions of dat­ing, the pow­er-drain­ing expe­ri­ence of a bad boyfriend, the restora­tive strength of sisterhood…gives Domino’s jour­ney an emo­tion­al real­ism that this genre rarely delivers…well-engineered for bingeing.”

645 min super­nat­ur­al dra­ma for BBC
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