Dancing Ledge
Big Mood
Play Trailer

Best friends Maggie and Eddie played by Nicola Coughlan (Bridgerton, Derry Girls) and Lydia West (It’s A Sin, Inside Man) have lived in each other’s pockets for ten years, through thick, thin, and multiple challenging eyebrow trends. But with the rest of their lives looming, careers hanging in the balance, and Maggie’s bipolar disorder making an unwelcome return to form, Eddie begins to question whether this friendship is really in their best interests. It’s a pivotal point in both their lives, bringing to the surface those all-important questions – could sleeping with your former History teacher be the key to happiness? Is a basement Rat Hotel a functional alternative to pest control? With their twenties behind them, Maggie and Eddie’s relationship faces the future – can it survive?

Der­ry Girls star’s new com­e­dy is a bril­liant­ly sharp, eye-open­ing watch

It’s dark com­e­dy at its best.

…With deft strokes, White­hill man­ages to exam­ine the intri­ca­cies of men­tal health through female friend­ships while also invert­ing the per­spec­tive so that the audi­ence is explor­ing the com­plex­i­ty of female friend­ships through men­tal health…ability to be utter­ly laugh-out-loud fun­ny, only it’s a dark and light and grey kind of com­e­dy that res­onates through­out the body. It’s a show that’s sad, frus­trat­ing, painful, awk­ward and plain bonkers funny…relatable watch that’s wit­ty and sur­pris­ing enough to bring out that embar­rass­ing snort-laugh we all have deep inside.”

Big Mood on Chan­nel 4 review: wit­ty, grit­ty and hon­est – every­thing Nico­la Cough­lan touch­es turns to gold

For those won­der­ing where all the good mil­len­ni­al TV shows have gone, Big Mood is it

…Not since Fleabag have I seen comedic writ­ing this good, this current…Camilla Whitehill’s script…managing to cap­ture the real­i­ty of being a young mil­len­ni­al with­out ever com­mit­ting the car­di­nal sin of mil­len­ni­al cringe”. The jokes come thick and fast…there are more gen­uine­ly laugh-out-loud one-lin­ers in the first 20 min­utes than in the span of most TV shows…It is also a refresh­ing take on the ugly and unchic side of men­tal health prob­lems. There is no glam­our here, just fail­ing at work, days whit­tled away unshow­ered and undressed, and uncom­fort­able self­ish­ness…

Wit­ty, grit­ty, and hon­est – if you’ve been won­der­ing where all the good mil­len­ni­al TV shows have gone, Big Mood is it.”

Big Mood is a fun­ny anti­dote to TV’s mil­len­ni­al erasure

Big Mood…it’s fun­ny – no small feat…actually laugh-out-loud fun­ny. Like the peak mil­len­ni­al come­dies of yes­ter­year, the script is smart and often on point…“Do you know what day it is?!” she asks. Eddie hes­i­tates, cogs turn­ing. The anniver­sary of the first time your dad called you fat?” No, that’s November.”…a fair­ly real­is­tic por­tray­al of what it’s like to be in your ear­ly 30s and liv­ing in the city right now…Big Mood isn’t all laughs, though. The show is about seri­ous men­tal ill­ness, the kind we don’t usu­al­ly see on screen (depres­sion, sure, but mania? Not so much)…By the final episode, laughs are few and far between…takes on a bleak­er hue. Amid the dark sense of humour that fiz­zles through­out is a real dark­ness that sits right beneath it…in an era in which TV is sat­u­rat­ed with dat­ed ideals of what 30-some­things look and act like, the Chan­nel 4 com­e­dy is more than an anti­dote; it’s a big mood.”

630 min Com­e­dy for Chan­nel 4
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